As a human being who is in an institution, let alone middle school students Vocational which incidentally is the man facing students "naughty" are common. Starting from students who are often late or miss school, not task / PR, noisy classroom, snacks during school hours, do not pray, and many examples of "mischief" that often do other students. Those things are really testing our patience. It takes patience and tenacity high level.
Actually, if there really was a child labeled "rogue"? The author himself does not agree if there are students who are labeled "rogue". Moreover, not a few teachers who gave the label "naughty" when he felt unable to control their students. In sisilain size "rogue" every teacher is different. Some teachers will assume his students "naughty" when students do not do their homework, other teachers argue that students are often absent / not attending school is that students are "rogue", others consider student learning is noisier when students are "naughty".

 In my opinion there is no such thing as students "rogue", there is;

 Students whose identity crisis. Biological and sociological changes in the adolescent self allows the two forms of integration. First, the formation of a sense of consistency in his life. Second, the achievement of role identity. Student misbehavior occurs because students failed to reach the second integration period.
Students who have a weak self-control. Students who can not learn and distinguish between behavior that is acceptable to unacceptable behavior will be dragged on the "naughty". Likewise for those who already know the difference between two of these behaviors, but it can not develop self-control to behave according to his knowledge.
Students who lack parental affection. Parents who are too busy with work led to less attention to their children. Not to introduce and teach the norms of religion to their children. As a result, he would often absent or late for school. While in school he would messing about to get attention from others, including the teacher.
Students whose parents do not harmois or even divorced. The atmosphere at home is not comfortable will cause the child not focused during class. Both parents are supposed to protect the and a good example would be a root cause of his son.
Students who become "victims" of relatives or friends sepermainannya. Type of these children will do the same on the other son because he is a 'victim' and seeks revenge.
Students are under pressure from parents. This pressure could be the demands of parents that are too high will prstasi their children in school or house rules that are too strict / curb. The result can vary, students can quiet but can also be "naughty" because they feel like smoking.
Students who experience violence within the family. It is caused by several factors, including economic problems. Students who experience violence in the home, at school then it will show a rebellious attitude to the teacher or even perform suppression like what he experienced.
Students hanging out wrong. Environment does give an enormous influence on the development of students' attitudes. Intercourse is not quite right or wrong could lead to deviant behavior deviant.
Those are some reasons why students behave "naughty" while at school. When we know the background of our students perikau problem, of course, we will feel pity and compassion. Therefore, let us, as educators begin to stop the negative label to students.
Some tips below we can try to address the student's behavior is "bad", are:

Pray for children stretcher. Say his name every day we pray. Expect what we asked for will be granted God and when we confront God mengkaruniakan patience in ourselves. Rest assured he will change, because faith is prayer. He must change, whether that's tomorrow, day after tomorrow, or whenever.
Look for complete information about the students who are considered "bad". The aim is that we know much more about the background belakanngya. Hopes we will be able to be patient and understanding in dealing with behavior.
Stop speech or label "naughty" on these students. We know utterance is prayer. if we mengucapakan naughty words, indirectly we pray for her to be naughty. Say good things for him, no matter how the behavior and words.
Call him to runag BK or mosque. Take him speak four eyes and heart to heart. Ask the student about her hopes, problems, or because he is doing the "rogue". By this we know so much about him and the problems he was facing. In the end, give him solutions, motivation and direction.
Latilah him with a sense of responsibility. This can be done by us giving her confidence. Example: to be the muezzin, collecting cash classes, help us recap passbook, or by involving him in the activities of the council and ROIS (although he was not penggurus OSIS and ROIS). This will make him feel wanted and cared for. The end goal is to let her know where the rights and obligations / responsibilities as a student.
If these students do "naughty". So, tergurlah slowly and never yelled at or scolded. Because students this type will not change when scolded. They need approachable, concerned, and be consulted, as well as give them the motivation to be changed for the better. Tell them "I'm sure you can be better than you are now". "I would be so proud if you can be better than you are now".
If these students do "naughty". Do not given physical punishment, such as push-ups, set up, or the squat. because, this will only lead to resentment and soul fight / defiant in students. But give him punishment dhuaha such as praying or reading the Qur'an.
Make an appointment if the students do "naughty". Record with HP and let him vow not to repeat his actions. If he repeats, call the student and rotate tapes.
Give him a choice. Consequently either do good or to do "bad" bad consequences.
When these students are doing well. So, praise him. We will mebuat praise him feel that his efforts appreciated and noticed by others.
That's a few tips from the author. Hopefully can provide benefits. The principle is that no student is "naughty". That there is less attentive students and one associate. Believe they can change. Changes that could occur when starting with a strategy of using heart approach. Can through our hands, or perhaps other people's hands. Hopefully useful and good luck.

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